Thursday, October 29, 2015

Clark { Family } | Sackville, NB

The Waterfowl park, the golden hour, a crisp fall evening, this sweet family, some silliness, and a whole lot of love. Every time I photograph these guys, it gets better and better and becomes my favorite.

Enjoy and share the love.

Lemay { Family } | St. Stephen, NB

The Old Axe factory, some wee ones not so sure of me, a whole lot of love, some crisp fall air, and some serious loving looks. Man such a happy little family.

Enjoy and share the love.

Lee { Family } | St. Stephen, NB

The Old Axe factory, lots of beautiful children, a whole lot of love, lots of smiles, and lots cuddles. These guys are always such a pleasure to see.

Enjoy and share the love.

Stevenson { Couple } | St. Stephen, NB

The Old Axe factory, sun flares, some silliness, fall foliage, lots of love, yorkie sweetness, and snuggling to get warm.

Enjoy and share the love.